Bedini SG The Complete Advanced Handbook

I thought I'd get the jump on Aaron, creating this page before he got around to it. I know he and Peter are extremely busy with the rollout of the new handbook.

First off, I wanted to thank Aaron and Peter for the time they have invested in putting this all together. The three handbooks as a package probably give us more information about how and why this stuff works than anything that has yet been released to the public.

But most of all, I wanted to thank John Bedini for the information he has released. I haven't always agreed with the idea of selling information on how to produce energy, because it is so important to get that information out to the public, but I DO understand that point of view.

Other researchers into life changing areas like medicine released their discoveries, sometimes for free, and sometimes not. (Usually the company they work for is the one making all the $$$) But they had the advantage of having their research (and their living expenses) funded by grants from major corporations or the government, or they were on salary somewhere and getting PAID to do that research. The research that John and others like him have done was all paid for out of their own pockets. Their commitment and passion has rarely been rewarded with money. I'm sure John would love to have a fully funded retirement program where he could afford to tinker with this stuff, or just go fishing if he wants to. The profits they make on the books and kits, and the conferences are a small payback to them for the time they have devoted to this field of study. And I don't see them buying private jets or see them on the news partying with the jet set, so I assume they worry about bills just like the rest of us.

More and more information is coming out all the time, and it won't be long before we reach the tipping point where people understand the basic principles necessary to create working devices�.principles that can be applied in a variety of ways.

Regardless of WHAT comes in the future, it will probably always be remembered that it was John's simple machine that got this ball rolling, and I hope he will always be able to look back at that with pride. Pretty amazing accomplishment when you stop to think about it a bit. These three books will be collectors items some day. Count on it. So go buy the book. And if you haven't already bought the first two, shame on you. Break open that piggy bank.

I have to say though, that I think Peter, John and Aaron are missing the boat on one thing. There has GOTTA be some kinda T shirt you guys could be selling!

Anything would be better than "Have a Nice Day with that stupid smily face, and that guy made a fortune! Maybe you should have a contest for the best T Shirt slogan and the winner gets something special. Just a thought. Time to get back in my box. I can only think outside of it for so long before my brain hurts.

�Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.�
�Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

Tags: None Aaron 10-25-2014, 12:55 AM

Bedini SG - The Complete Advanced Handbook

We can't tell you how excited we are to finally release this book!

And here is a bit about the Watson Machine - we're giving details that have been in the open for years but nobody has ever noticed or at least nobody has ever talked about them. And there are some details that really have never been shared. It will all be in this book because it is somewhat of a tribute to a lot of John's work that he has been involved with over the years - and not just the SG, but the "ENERGIZER" has always been the KEY and that is definitely a vital part of the 1984 machine: Watson Machine | A & P Electronic Media – Digital Publishing by Aaron Murakami & Peter Lindemann

Between all three of these books, I would have to agree that all three books disclose more than any other single compilation regarding these types of circuits.

And, I also know there are a few builders around here that are working on some of the exact principles that are being discussed in the advanced book.

Aaron Murakami


Post Cancel wrtner Silver Member 10-25-2014, 02:51 PM What is the price of the book?


Post Cancel Peter Lindemann Gold Member 10-25-2014, 07:51 PM

Thank you for starting this thread and for your kind remarks. This book has been in the works since early May, and has been my top priority for the last 10 weeks. John has already "signed off" on the manuscript and the final summary and conclusion is being written.

This book has presented a significant challenge to be worthy of the title "Bedini SG, The COMPLETE Advanced Handbook." To explain everything John has done, in detail, would require the writing of a 800 page book. So, I have focused on an in-depth explanation of the ESSENCE of the method and its historic development. It clearly explains how many decades John has been ahead of the rest of us, but it also explains exactly what he accomplished, and how! The primary gain mechanism of the Energizer is fully explained.

The book focuses on the revelation of the "self-running electromechanical machine" and the multitude of ways John accomplished the goal. Anyone who has done the work and learned the science will be able to replicate John's results and develop their own working hardware.

There are lots of surprises in this information package. Only one week away. OK. I gotta get back to work! LOL

Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.


Post Cancel Stephen Brown Senior Member 10-26-2014, 05:31 AM Count me in. I Can't wait.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Stephen Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


Post Cancel Aaron 10-29-2014, 06:41 AM

Bedini SG - The Complete Advanced Handbook

Yesterday, Peter and I did a video going through a lot of details on all three books including a basic demo. It's about 1 hour 15 minutes and will be on after we launch the Advanced book on Thursday. I might post a link to it here before there so you can see it ahead of time.

The combo special for the Beginner's and Intermediate book will disappear and all three books will be available individually or as a complete 3 book package.

Aaron Murakami


Post Cancel Aaron 11-02-2014, 12:08 AM

Bedini SG The Complete Advanced Handbook

The Advanced book will be available at 10AM tomorrow morning Pacific Time Zone.

Aaron Murakami


Post Cancel Aaron 11-02-2014, 05:51 PM

Bedini SG - The Complete Advanced Handbook

The time has come - Bedini SG The Complete Advanced Handbook is available now! If you don't have the beginner's or intermediate book, make sure to get the entire Trilogy at a great discount!
GET IT NOW: Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series for the Bedini SG & Bedini SSG

Tesla's Technology Miniaturized And Simplified For The Masses
Legacy of a World-Class Inventor & Humanitarian

Spokane, Washington - November 2, 2014

Fifteen years ago, Shawnee Baughman of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho was competing for an elementary school science project and an electronics wizard happened to work in the same building as her father. She was provided with a simple schematic and a bit of coaching. With that, she went off on her own to build a little motor that spun a wheel, lit an LED light, and ran from the same 9 volt battery for the entire five days of the science fair.

Shawnee won a Blue Ribbon for the science, and a special award for Best of Show, and ever since that time, the machine has been called the "School Girl Motor" or the "Bedini SG" for short.

John Bedini is an internationally acclaimed audio engineer who has many claims to fame, which include developing the first solid state audio amplifiers that actually replicated the sound qualities of the old vacuum tube models. But his favorite hobby has always been the study of advanced energy conservation methods using unconventional electromagnetic principles that most engineers have never heard of.

The Bedini SG has since taken the world by storm, spreading far and wide across the internet, and allowing countless thousands of people to build their own model and study the physics involved. Just about anybody can get one to spin, but only a handful have ever achieved a level of performance that demonstrates what some would consider "free energy."

Many experts claim this is impossible, but actually there are many systems that produce more work than we're required to supply, because the excess energy is provided by the environment. A good example of this is the refrigerator. This ordinary kitchen appliance typically operates with a "coefficient of performance" of 2.0, which means that twice as much heat is removed from inside than the equivalent electricity used to do it. Most scientist believe that this kind of performance is only possible with heat systems, but John Bedini and others have demonstrated these principles with electromagnetics as well.

In 1977, Ilya Prigogine received a Nobel Prize for what is basically an extension to conventional thermodynamics, which only describe how heat operates in "closed systems." Those are systems that are cut off from any external form of energy. Prigogine's work helped to extend our understanding of thermodynamics to include systems that are open to the environment, which slows the appearance of entropy down and allows more total work to be done than what we have to supply. That is exactly what the Bedini SG demonstrates in a simple and most elegant way.

Several years ago, A & P Electronic Media, a digital publishing company founded by Aaron Murakami and Peter Lindemann published the first ever authoritative book on Bedini's technology. Murakami and Lindemann have collectively known John Bedini for over 45 years and both have been personally mentored by him.

Their first book outlining the basics of this technology is Bedini SG - The Complete Beginner's Handbook, which includes all of Bedini's own personal specifications for building his machines, as well as an in depth explanation of the science and theory behind its operation. With this book, just about anyone can build a working model.
The second book is Bedini SG - The Complete Intermediate Handbook. It digs deeper into the theory of the technology and shows how John's circuits act like miniaturizations of systems developed by Nikola Tesla over 120 years ago. What this process does is take the high voltage spikes from an electromagnetic oscillator and charge a capacitor with them. This capacitor is then discharged into a load, such as a lead acid battery.

Engineers are normally taught to ground these spikes out so they don't damage other electronics on an electrical line. In fact, that is what a "surge protector" is designed to do. Through experimentation, John discovered that these electrical transients have a number of unusual characteristics. One of these benefits includes the ability to charge batteries extremely efficiently, and even revive some batteries that are considered dead.
Although many engineers claim these spikes can't charge a battery because they are just high voltage with virtually no current, there are thousands upon thousands of global experiments being conducted with these circuits that prove otherwise. And if these spikes are used to charge a capacitor and then that capacitor is discharged into a battery, even more amazing results can be had. And this is one of the methods for using electricity that Nikola Tesla developed back in 1893. John's circuits are literally a miniaturized version of some of Tesla's greatest discoveries.

A & P Electronic Media has now released Bedini SG - The Complete Advanced Handbook. The finale to this paradigm-shattering trilogy teaches the reader how to convert the mechanical work produced on the wheel into even more electricity, in an extremely efficient way. As a matter of fact, it is so efficient that at the recent 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Peter Lindemann was able to demonstrate how to light a large bank of LEDs to a very bright level without reflecting almost any mechanical load back to the machine.

This third book also reveals many details from John Bedini's other related technologies, some of which have never been released or explained to the public before. In that sense, it also doubles as a tribute to his tireless contribution to the field of advanced energy research over the last four decades.

Aaron Murakami